Sheboygan, Evergreen City Times – Articles Concerning the 26th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment

Article #1__________________________________________________________________________
10/4/1862, pg. 2, col. 3
Sigel Asks to be Relieved!
He give Eight Reasons – Shabby Treatment from Halleck! – Let there be an A ring! – Hooker asked to come west.
Washington, Sept. 29 (1862)
The correspondent of the Tribune says Sigel has asked to be relieved of his command. His letter to the President gives the following reasons for the course he has found it necessary to pursue:
1st, Because he was placed under the command of a junior officer, without the knowledge of the President, although the President alone has power to place a junior over a senior of the same grade.
2d, Because hid command has gradually been reduced; first, by removal from it of two divisions, Cox’s and Cook’s and then of two brigades, Pratt’s and Milroy’s
3d, Because none of the regiments raised expressly for him, except one, have been assigned to him, nor have others been given him in their places.
4th, Because of the grossly abusive manner in which Halleck has treated him personally and officially.
5th, Because his little command has been placed in an exceedingly exposed position and ordered to perform tasks that are impossible for it and require a large command.
6th, Because he cannot procure horses or equipage for his artillery and cavalry and hence those arms of the services are comparatively useless to him.
7th, Because all his request and requisitions are neglected of refused on account of which his troops are discouraged and comparatively inefficient and many have not been paid for six months.
8th, Because he con not expect fair treatment and because his troops, for whom he doubly concerned, are made the innocent sufferers on his account.
He is persuaded that they would fare better under another commander.
The statement that the regiments raised expressly for Sigel had not been given him, is confirmed by the testimony of the Governors of six States, Govs, Yates, Tod, Blair, Kirkwood, Andrew and Sprague, who are anxious to know why this is so, and who are urging the authorities to carry out the promise which they made at the time the permission to raise regiments in each of their States for Gen. Sigel was Given.
Several western Governors are urging (?line missing) Hooker the command of the Union armies in the Mississippi Valley.
Article #2__________________________________________________________________________
5/23/63 pg. 2, col. 3
Gen. Schurz Vindicated – Gen. Howard’s Testimony.
There has been a particular effort made by the copperhead press to affix a stigma upon Gen. Carl Schurz of this State in connection with the panic in the 11th corps near Chancellorsville. The following correspondence will show how entirely unfounded and utterly malignant and false are these insinuations and charges. Gen. Howard, the commander of the corps whose bravery and efficiency no one has questioned, bears testimony to their falsehood, and to the good conduct of Gen. Schurz.
These attacks upon Gen. S. have their origin in the fact that prior to the war that gentleman was a prominent antislavery man, and made some speeches which his opponents found it difficult to answer:
Headquarters 3d Division, May 7.
To Maj Gen. Howard, Commanding 11th Corps:
I find it stated in the New York Times, Washington Chronicle, New your Herald, &c., That it was my division which, in the action of last Saturday, threw itself, flying, upon the rest of the corps, and it is even stated in the New York Herald, that I led the disgraceful flight in person. These are sentiments against which I fell myself obliged to ask for protection. You know the facts, and you have seen me in that engagement. I would respectfully request you to state what troops threw themselves, flying, upon the rest, and where I was and what I was doing, while you saw me upon the field of battle.
I am, General,
Yours respectfully.
C. Schurz, Maj. Gen.
Headquarters 11th Corps, May, 8
Gen. Schurz, Commanding 3d Division:
I am deeply pained to find you subject to such false and malicious attacks. I saw you as the action commenced. You hastened to your post. I next saw you rallying troops near the rifle-pits, upon the ground occupied by our Corps. After this you were with me, forming a new line of battle near Gen. Berry’s line. I do not believe you could have done more than you did, on that trying occasion. – The allegations with reference to our division, are untrue, since your troops did not occupy the front of the point of attack. It is improper for me, at this time to speak relative to the conduct of different divisions. My official report will soon be made.
It gives me pleasure to subscribe my self.
Yours truly
O. O. Howard, Mr. Gen.
Article #2a__________________________________________________________________________
5/?/63 pg.2, col. 1
The Germans.
The hasty expressions of some of the army correspondents of the New York press, reflecting upon the courage of the German troops in Gen. Hooker’s army, do great injustice to some to the bravest and trusted of the defenders of the Union.
It is too late in the history of the world to attempt branding the German people with cowardice. They belong to on of the fighting races of the earth. The record of their valor goes back two thousand years. The antique pages of Tacitus tell of the heroism of their ancestors. And Through all the centuries since, however much they have failed in national unity and organization, they have not failed in courage.
The corps commanded by Gen. Howard (formerly Sigel’s) is by no means an exclusively German corps. Indeed, we understand that the German regiments constitute a minority of it. When it ran, there were more Americans and Irishmen running that Germans. A great proportion of these very men, moreover, were veterans who have fought nobly on other fields. Subsequent dispatches also state that, after the corps was reorganized, it did gallant service against the enemy.
Article #3__________________________________________________________________________
3/19/64 pg.2, col.3
Every loyal man in the land will rejoice to learn that Major General Sigel has at last been assigned to the important command of Western Virginia. Ever since the war broke out Gen. Sigel has been in the service, and was among the very first to win laurels by his success. His whole heart and his best energies have been devoted to the cause, and but for the senseless hatred and constant antagonism of Halleck, he would not have been without command a single day. President Lincoln has been the uniform and consistent friend of Gen. Sigel as he is of every officer who devotes himself heartily to the overthrow of this rebellion. He allows no personal feelings to enter into his measurement of men. Where he believes it is for the food of the service he removes an officer, and when he believes an officer is not devoting his whole energies to the cause of goes his head into the official basket. In this instance the President his own responsibility without consulting the likes of dislikes of the Mohawk General or acting upon instance of this or that Congressman, as we see it stated in certain quarters. It is his own individual act to which he has been induced by his sense of the public good. And while it is an important acknowledgement of Gen. Sigel’s services it is none the less a fitting rebuke to the bitter personal hatred which have always characterized Halleck, the hero of Corinth! If the dose does not agree with him he should have leave to retire to his Mohawk plantation and ruminate. His position and his influence upon the affairs of the country are too important to admit of his personal likes and dislikes or his narrow military notions. His stomach is full of red tape and black hatreds, and the quicker he is cured of his military dyspepsia the better it will be for the country.
Gen. Sigel has now a command where he will find plenty of work and have ample opportunities of displaying his abilities, and we predict that the rebels in Western Virginia will be kept moving. Mr. Lincoln’s action will not alone e endorsed by the German friends of Sigel, but by all radical Union men and the future of the latter’s jurisdiction amply justify the overstepping of Mr. Halleck and his clique.
Article #4__________________________________________________________________________
6/11/62 pg. 3, col. 1
Late Army News.
Gen. Sherman has again executed one of this flanking movements, this time going around the formidable rebel fortifications at Altoona, and entering Dallas, ten or twelve miles nearer Atlanta, on Thursday, the 2d inst. Four miles form Dallas he encountered a masked battery while in pursuit of the retreating rebels, and received its destructive fire, losing two or three hundred men.
Article #5__________________________________________________________________________
7/30/64 pg. 3, col. 1
Great Battle in Atlanta
Much Desperate Fighting – Rebels Attack Hooker’s Corps – Our Loss and the Rebel’s Loss at 6,000 – Gen. McPherson Killed Friday.
WASHINGTON, July 24 – The latest official dispatches form Sherman’s army reported repeated fighting, and give the circumstances attending the death of Maj. En. McPherson, who fell in the severe contest of Friday.
New York, July 24 – The Hearld’s Nashville dispatch, dated 23d, says: We have nothing farther from Atlanta – not ever a confirmation of its occupation by Gen. Thomas’ army. No dispatches have been received at Sherman’s headquarters direct from that city.
Another dispatch says, Gen Rouseau was at Poolsville, Ala., twelve miles south of Decatur, on the 14th. He had a slight engagement with a body of the enemy, dispersing them.
CINCINNATI July 24. – The Gazette’s correspondent , under date of Atlanta, Ga. 23d, gives full and highly interesting details of the movements of Sherman’s army since the crossing of the Chattahoochie. On the Morning of the 18th the whole army advanced, McPherson taking position on the extreme left, Schofield on the left center, and Howard center, Hooker right center, and Palmer extreme right. On the morning of the 19th our advance reached Peach Tree Creek, a stream running four miles north of Atlanta, and after considerable skirmishing the enemy was dislodged and portion of Howard’s corps crossed our left meantime swinging around to the Atlanta and Augusta railroad near Decatur and tearing up several miles of track.
On the evening of the 19th and morning of the 20th, Howard, Hooker and Palmer crossed with the balance of their corps forming a line along the south bank of the creek. At 5 p. m. the rebels make a desperate and sudden assault on Howard in great force. The attack soon extended to Hooker’s corps, the rebels advancing three lines deep. A portion of our line was at first wavered before the terrible onset, but quickly rallied and stood firm as a rock Upon this portion of our line was massed over half the entire rebel army, both battles fighting for the first time in this campaign, in open field. Before dark the rebels were entirely defeated, having failed to break our lines as any point, and retired in disorder, leaving most of their wounded and dead on the field.
Our loss will reach 2,000, principally from Hooker’s corps. The rebel loss, in killed, wounded and missing, exceeds 6,000, including three brigadier generals.
On the extreme left, operations were equally successful, McPherson driving the enemy several miles, and Blair’s division advancing a mile and a half south to the Augusta road. On the morning of the 21st the enemy were driven, with small loss to the works immediately around Atlanta. On the 22d they had withdrawn entirely form Hooker ‘s and Palmer’s front. At 2 o’clock p. m. of that day protons of our army entered the city.
The correspondent adds: We may have some fight for full possession but the campaign is considered virtually ended;
Information believed to be reliable announces the occupation of Montgomery, Ala, by Rouseau.
The Commercial has the following official report of the losses in Hookers corps in the battle of Atlanta:
William’s division 827; Geary’s 447; Ward’s 527; Newton’s 102. Total 1,912. Among the killed are Col. Logie, 151st N. Y. Lieut. Col. Randall, 149th N.Y., Adj. Redcliff, 143d N. Y.
Among the wounded are Gen. Gresham commanding a division, severely; Major Baldwin, 150th N. Y. and Lieut. Col. McPitts, 141st N. Y.
Article #6__________________________________________________________________________
8/6/64 pg. 3, col. 1
Co. B, 26th Regiment. – In the reat battle of Peach Tree, Creek, before Atlanta, on Wednesday, the 20th ult., Co. B, of the 26th Regiment, a portion of which, we believe, was form this county, sustained the following losses:
Killed – Capt. J. P. Seeman
Wounded – Sergt. Chas. Weinrich, Sergt. H. Braneschwig, Wm. Ewald, Wm. Saur, August Wendorf, Fred Winter.
Article #7__________________________________________________________________________
8/6/64 pg.2, col.1
From Sherman’s Army.
Correspondence of the Times.
EDITOR TIMES: Another successful raid by Gen. Sherman has terminated . Communication with the new Army of Georgia “is opened and your corespondent is once more upon the water,” ready to give the readers of the TIMES as hasty report of the doings of the army.
On the 12th of Nov. the 145, 16, 17th,and 20th corps having been (?) into an army beating the enemy – by order of Gen. Sherman – left Kingston arching in a southerly direction bound for Savannah, Ga. Howard commanding the right wing – 16th and 17th corps, and Gen. Slocum the left – 14th and 20th corps. The line of march was “when practicable” by 4 roads as nearly parallel as possible and converging at points hereafter to be indicated.
The separate columns as per order started with a few exception, at 7 o’clock a. m. and made about 15 miles per day. The territory over which we passed is the same portion of Georgia many of open swamps being 1/4, 1/2 and some a mile in width. The last trains on the N. S. M. Rail Road between Atlanta and Chattanooga, passed over said road the day we left, taking all citizens and negros with to go north; also such Government property as is would pay to take along after which that old thoroughfare over which our supplies had been carried at such an expenses to the Government as ” totally destroyed,” burning the ties and warping the rails with heat. The principal buildings in Kingston were burning what the army of Georgia left.
It will not be easy to give a report during the march, and it is fact would be difficult to me to do so, as I kept none but I will write what I have “keep up’ in memory – at least such as occurs to me now.
“Our line of march lay through the following towns in the order in which the reports are written: Cartorsville, Marietta, Atlanta, Decatur, Lythonia, Conard Station, Covington, Shady Dale, Milledgeville, Sandersville, Daivdsboro, and Louisville. At Carterville, the depot and pricipal buildings were burned. Marietta was nearly destroyed, and at Atlanta there was not building left except a few dwelling housed. Very few buildings were burned at Milledgeville; but at Sandersville a few miles from there, a very large and expensive R. R. Depot and several public buildings were destroyed. This place is a county seat. Davidsboro received a benefit in the same way. Several miles of the Georgia Central Rail Road was destroyed here and had several places more or less properly destroyed to the roads through which we passed.
The country was well supplied with corn, sweet potatoes, molasses, swine, and a fair proportion of sheep, considering the unfavorableness of the country for the raising of first animal. From this you will see that it is probable that the army was well fed in the march, and such I assure you was the case. We were troubled but little by the enemy on the march. They burned a few bridges, which wasted very little delay, as pontoons were always in readiness. They also felled trees (?) the ready in places where it would be impossible to “go around” but they were removed by our prisoners in much loss time that the Rebs. were in following them.
Thus matters stood till the 12th inst., when the enemy were met for sure about four and half files form Savannah. A deep miry swamp lay between us. The enemy are commanded by General Hardee. They are fortified on the opposite side and have batteries commanding the roads loading across. Fort McAlistor, at the mouth of the Ogecohe River, was captured by the 2d Division 15th corps about the time we arrived here, which opened a way for supplies and the mail to reach us, installments of which have been already received. The loss of the enemy in this arrangement and the prisoners and 15 guns. Their loss in killed and wounded I did not understand. Ours was 80 or 85. I write at about 10 o’clock A. M. and having proceeded thus far a report comes in that the rebel crossed the river last night at 7 o’clock, burning the bridge after them. They left eight 32 and two 64 pound guns in their works uninjured and a huge stash of ammunitions in the same condition It is supposed that they are headed for Charleston, but it is not probable that they will get there (?). The 20th corps now occupy the city of Savannah. 1500 stand of arms that were sent in the woods by the rebels before starting on their “winding way” have been discovered, but by them I am not apprised.
That 1st Brigade, 14th corps is now in command of Col. Hobart, who returned from the north just before the expedition started. The enemy will probably remain here a few days, the at them again.
Ours Truly
S. D. Leildfield.
Article #8__________________________________________________________________________
4/18/65 pg.1, col.2
Glorious New!
Hosannas To The Army!
The news of the past week from the Army of the Potomac has been of the most stirring character. First, we have the taking of Richmond, which was first entered by the Negro Corps under Gen. Witzel, an event little anticipated by the arch traitors who have so long nursed their treason in their entrenchments there, while they wee inflicting all manner of insults and barbarity of treatment upon the Union Prisoners in “Libby” and at Bell Isle. Then Lee and his army became fugitives before the avenging arm of Grant and Sheridan in hot pursuit of their flying brigades, with every prospect of cutting off their retreat, and capturing them in a body, or all that remain of them.
The reception of the news in this city of Monday afternoon was followed by the hoisting of flags, the firing of cannon, and bonfires in the evening and every loyal man wore an expression of intense satisfaction upon his countenance and the one sense of salutation was “How are you Richmond?”
We had no room for lengthened comments, but give as many of the particulars as we can on our fourth page.
Later. – Lee’s Army Surrendered! – Glory! Hallelujah!
Milwaukee papers received by boat last night, say that Gen. Sheridan attacked Lee at the intersection of the Burkesville Station road with the road upon which he was retreating on Thursday, and routed him, capturing Gen. Ewell, Kershaw, Button, Corse, Debary and Custis Lee, with several thousand prisoners and 15 pieces artillery with caissons. A Washington dispatch to jay Cooke, Philadelphia, reports Lee’s whole army as having surrendered. This is said to be positive.
Article #9__________________________________________________________________________
5/6/65 pg.1, col.2
The News
The surrender of Johnston’s army to Gen. Sherman is a relinquishment of all rebel military power and organization worth mentioning east of the Mississippi, save Dick Taylor’s forces, and they must soon follow in the footsteps of their defunct comrades.
The confederacy has gone up, and the rebellion is practically at an end. That Gen. Grant and the government thus consider it, is evidenced by the fact that measures are to be taken at once to largely reduce the military force of the country, and consequent expenses of the government. This event will be hailed with joy to all.